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Now, simply by adding your comment with your name and any thoughts you might have to the bottom of this article, you can electronically sign the Shire Society Declaration! While you can be in the Shire as a state of mind, it makes sense to live close to others who believe as you do. You are encouraged to 老王v2.2.8 and join the Free Streets Project.

To learn about how the Shire Society Declaration came to be and to see high resolution versions of the originals, please visit the History page.

Perhaps you’d prefer to sign a physical copy that you can keep? Just grab this PDF and print it out for you and your friends and family to sign!

Shire Society Declaration


WE, THE UNDERSIGNED witnesses to the lesson of history — that no form of political governance may be relied upon to secure the individual rights of life, liberty, or property — now therefore establish and provide certain fundamental precepts measuring our conduct toward one another, and toward others:


FIRST, each individual is the exclusive proprietor of his or her own existence and all products thereof, holding no obligations except those created by consent;


SECOND, no individual or association of individuals, however constituted, has the right to initiate force against any other individual;


THIRD, each individual has the inalienable right of self-defense against the initiation of force;


FOURTH, explicit voluntary association is the only means by which binding obligations may be created, and claims based on association or relationships to which any party did not consent are empty and invalid;


FIFTH, rights are neither collective nor additive in character, and no group can possess rights in excess of those belonging to its individual members;


We hereby declare our commitment to peace, individual sovereignty, and independence, and join the Shire Society.


  1. Joseph M Davis

    Post a Reply
    • samanthaswift!12 I am in a place that recognizes self and the desire to manifest a proper and loving community in which will be a shining example for all to return to The Mother. All will be Connecting to the force of creativity of like and kind individuals working from the collective bringing the truth filled vibrations of all being creator experiencing the mystic that has manifest to the common. There is lost knowledge we are here to re-engrain into the psyche. Some carry many of the lost commonalities to a part of our existence that calls forth the energies and manifest of our foremothers. Some carry much of the earthen simplicity of hand to manifest creation. I am that. I make this declaration to all of entirety and signing This Declaration with a singing signature. Samantha L. Roberts

    • Robert Anthony Zivolich (PETER)
      Heir Apparent – Master Marshal
      Kingdom of Zion
      Salem (Shalom) (Peace) Oregon

    • I like and admire what you’re doing. keep it up, I’ll be moving to keen very soon.

    • Check your State Statutes for the phrase ” in this state or in the state ” this is where the New Hampshire statutes apply. The State of New Hampshire is all the federal land in New Hampshire. There are two governments one under common law the other under statutes. This is how they fool us they write a law for the land they own and then apply it on land they do not own you have to challenge territorial jurisdiction to address this.

    • 老王微屁恩V_P_N_v2.2.0_去广告清爽版 - 58网盘搜索:2021-8-2 · 老王微屁恩V_P_N_v2.2.0_去广告清爽版 文件类型:安卓app 文件目录:/我的分享/其他.apk 来自:Vi**网盘的百度网盘文件分享.

    • Amen.

    • Cynthia Brandt, former member of the FSP. Count me in!

    • Victor F Gagliano supports the shiresociety

    • If you wish to prosper, then let others prosper. When we have learned this lesson, everyone will seek his individual welfare in the general welfare. Then jealousies between man and man, city and city, province and province, nation and nation, will no longer trouble the world Frederic Bastiat

      I have a question please. What is the bare minimum amount I need to move to New Hampshire and work with other like minded souls in life affirming journey towards freedom and prosperity? – Emeka Nweze

    • george r dietrich…free man

    • Signed.
      We need to carefully drop out of the world system that is in place, in all the important areas of our life. Our world cannot have true transparency, justice, or love without money’s whose value is solid. Our world’s economy is fragile because it is dependent on the motivation that the government’s guns give a person to work hard for it, and our environment, political systems, morals, and life quality is headed toward the bottom. Who knows where this is headed, but I mentally assent in the Shire Society’s cause, and jump this runaway train if I can.

    • Tim U. McClure

    • Filip Dascalu

    • How could anybody disagree with this????

    • Dylan J Robinson

    • Charlie Garcia-
      I BELIEVE YOU CAN LIVE ON LOVE…….if you dont understand feel free to ask

    • I be lost so much mostly my life after these words from them and my kids family all gone I’ve slaved bitterly for any scrap I got worked self into ground and it’s weird cause jesuse Christ’s blood does run threw my license almost killed me again thanks to the unjust of that bigger botch I hate you if I were king witch should be I would say off with her head . but I wouldn’t I’m actually a man of god but you guys push that shot and lady kept me down from my rapcarer that I got 1110000 and hour is what I’m up to so humbled no thanks to a botch like you. But instead I will bring to your attention get some humility and try forgiveness for what ever who did what to you but wasn’t me and you did destroy mine appreciate it still haven’t seen my youngest since 06 and it killed me and then the cancer went threwthis shut has shut off my insurance I have broken Barack this is real that’s my struggle cause you didn’t like me what ever. I would hate to tell you but you at n t worth knowing till you loose your shirt or a around you welcome to my life

    • Old man now I am. Nonetheless, hope to start anew in the Live Free or Die state come mid-May 2017. I may not be a strict secessionist, but a political loose confederation of small political and social entities seems preferable to the outrageous and dangerous imperial situation today in the USA. Will try to get in touch with you or the Free State Project when I get to the US and NH. Good to know I shall have like minded people for neighbors working to make life on planet earth a better place.

    • You guys are idiots!

    • Great scociety

    • Freedom from tyranny
      DOUGLAS R. lewis

    • Aaron B Chancey

      WordPress_CMS主题下载_Ashade-摄影作品展示相册模板 v2.0:2021-12-7 · WordPress收费下载插件Erphpdown v9.8.2版本带通用会员中心,一次购买永久包更新 菜鸟IT资源网分析搜索引擎SEO优化排名工具 最新7b2柒比贰V2.8.0破解去授权WordPress主题源码同步更新【 …

    • All is won now – all is well!

    • 上海老干部官方最新版-上海老干部APP手机版下载 v2.0.5-都 ...:1 天前 · 查看详情 淇淇果APP手机版 v0.2.14 70.38M简体中文20-06-17 查看详情 省钱王最新版 v1.3.0 14.39M简体中文20-06-17 查看详情 上海老干部APP手机版 v2.0.5 31.1M简体中文20-06-17 查看详情 钉铛修鞋APP v1.0.3 43.35M简体中文20-06-17

    • I’m all for any effort to increase peace and liberty.

    • i am a free man that does not consent to corporate law. i am not a corporation, i am a living being & demand that i be treated as such.

    • Love it!!! 🙂

    • 老王v2.2.8

    • Bryan Lee
      Karen Lee

    • The Reverend Ashley Nicole Bowman; Minister Of Justice.

    • I agree.

    • Awesome Declaration!

    • “In life two things define you.
      Your patience when you have nothing; and your attitude when you have everything.”

    • JOHN-H-Davis.

    • Fair enough. Consider it signed.

    • I sign!

    • Very nice. Had it been thought out a little more carefully, perhaps they would have used the word real flesh and blood man and woman instead of individual which has a sinister meaning. More concerning is the word INALIENABLE which is found in the United States Constitution. This word means a “man” granted Right that CAN be repealed, revoked or replaced. It is NOT the same as the word UNALIENABLE which is found in our Declaration of Independence. This word means a Right that CAN NOT be repealed, revoked or replaced. UNALIENABLE Rights are Creator granted Rights such as Life, Liberty (freedom) and the pursuit of Happiness (property). It would have also been nice for this society to recognize there are THREE orders under the real law; Creator Law, Natural Law and Man’s law, if righteous. Creator or God’s Law is the Supreme Law of this country and planet. With the above clarifications and more, I hereby sign the declaration.
      Dr. James Chappell

    • Very Cool. There are many irrefutable reasons why nation-states fail at surviving long periods of time nor do what is in the best interests of the majority. It took me many years to learn this because of all the brainwashing and lies we have been subjected to since a very young age. It is with great honor that I join all those before me in signing this declaration. Harry ‘Skip’ Robinson.

    • Thomas (Rocco)

    • #Liberty!! There’s not much more to say!!

    • Nick Ray – Cheshire County NH

    • Islam teaches that when Jesus returns as a prophet of Islam he will slaughter all Christians who refuse to convert to Islam.

      How can you base an interfaith relationship on that?

      o9.8 The caliph (o25) makes war upon Jews, Christians, and Zoroastrians (N: provided he has first invited them to enter Islam in faith and practice, and if they will not, then invited them to enter the social order of Islam by paying the non-Muslim poll tax (jizya, def: o11.4)-which is the significance of their paying it, not the money itself-while remaining in their ancestral religions) (O: and the war continues) until they become Muslim or else pay the non-Muslim poll tax (O: in accordance with the word of Allah Most High, “Fight those who do not believe in Allah and the Last Day and who forbid not what Allah and His messenger have forbidden-who do not practice the religion of truth, being of those who have been given the Book-until they pay the poll tax out of hand and are humbled” (Koran 9.29), the time and place for which is before the final descent of Jesus (upon whom be peace). After his final coming, nothing but Islam will be accepted from them, for taking the poll tax is only effective until Jesus’ descent (upon him and our Prophet be peace), which is the divinely revealed law of Muhammad. The coming of Jesus does not entail a separate divinely revealed law, for he will rule by the law of Muhammad. As for the Prophet’s saying (Allah bless him and give him peace), “I am the last, there will be no prophet after me,” this does not contradict the final coming of Jesus (upon whom be peace), since he will not rule according to the Evangel, but as a follower of our Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace)).
      ‘Umdat as-Salik wa ‘Uddat an-Nasik
      [Reliance of the Traveller and Tools of the Worshipper]
      A Classic Manual of Islamic Sacred Law by Ahmad Ibn Naqib Al-Misri

      [i.e. “before the final descent of Jesus”
      Christians have three choices:
      (a) – submit to Islam,
      (b) – pay protection money (jizya) or
      (c) – die by the sword

      but “after (Jesus’) final coming”
      Christians will only have two choices:
      (a) – submit to Islam or
      (c) – die by the sword]

      Allah’s Messenger said, “The Hour will not be established until the son of Mary (i.e. Jesus) descends amongst you as a just ruler, he will break the cross, kill the pigs, and abolish the Jizya tax. Money will be in abundance so that nobody will accept it (as charitable gifts).
      Sahih Bukhari 3:43:656

    • This is good. But, we need to start drawing some lines in the sand. Timelines to restore the Constitution, balance the budget, ensure the Rights of every citizen are not infringed upon any more. We probably will need to plan on the possibility to literally fight the enemy within. As long as the elections are rigged, the electorate split by “elected” officials, we need to continue on the plans. We need to make legalized corruption, illegal. recruiting officials, citizens, police, national guard, building and developing resistance militias across the country, with the unified goal of, restoring the Constitution and intended role of government…we need to be shrinking gov, in the name of our existence in a once free and potentially prosperous society and stop recognizing laws based on a skewed sense of morality. This is our country. Let’s make “elected” officials think twice and afraid to take money from lobbyists. and let’s be ungovernable. resist and fight if necessary.

    • Wonderful wonderful wonderful! Hurrah for the shire!
      Along with Dr. Campbell, I would change the word individual to real flesh and blood man and woman and the word inalienable to unalienable. With the above clarifications and more, I hereby joyfully sign the declaration.

      Anna M Deardorf [ANA]

    • Are there any links anyone can suggest for pdfs of legal documents for Mississippi?

    • i am fed up with the corrupt government of the U S A i have right as a human being i can even get my meds because of the corruption in state and federal govenment run by the rich i join here an no longer have anything to do or live by rule of the U S A government

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    • Of the People, By the People, and For the People!